Identification of fields of application and analysis of international markets

Market analysis is a powerful tool for testing or evaluating ideas, inventions, technologies and research results. For example, market analyses are an indispensable tool for finding the optimal position of a new technology or solution in the value chain and for estimating the achievable innovation and business potential.

Atrineo AG's classic market analyses always cover the four main topics of "trends and drivers", "users and customers", "market model" and "competitive environment". Other key topics may be useful in individual cases, depending on the task at hand and the key questions to be answered, and are then closely coordinated with the client when defining a market analysis.

The scope of the market analyses offered by Atrineo AG can be varied depending on the depth of the information required for a particular case. The effort required for a market analysis depends on the following factors:


  • the number of different fields of application for a technology to be considered
  • Required depth of view and information on individual aspects of the market study
  • Geographic focus of the market analysis (Germany, Europe, selected regions, world)
  • Number of (expert) discussions to be held from different stakeholder groups
  • ease of access to the experts to be interviewed (depends on the sector)
  • Requirements for the type and scope of results documentation

In general, Atrineo AG offers its clients the opportunity to agree on the exact scope of the study and the associated costs in advance of each market analysis. In addition, Atrineo AG offers its clients the option of cancelling a market analysis prematurely and saving the remaining budget if insufficient market potential or other serious marketing obstacles become apparent at an early stage.

Atrineo AG's experience is that scientists should be actively involved in the planned analyses of exploitation opportunities at the earliest possible stage. Against this background, Atrineo AG has developed the format of a collaborative project implementation, tested it in practice and continuously refined it further. Within the framework of a collaborative market analysis, scientists (including those interested in setting up a company) are first familiarised with tried and tested methods and procedures in an interactive workshop. In a second step, the actual market analysis is then carried out, with the defined tasks being shared between the scientists and representatives of Atrineo AG. The progress of the project and any challenges that may arise are then discussed in regular coordination meetings.